The user manual lists the minimum system requirements for the different versions of Windows. They offer customer support and a free 30-day trial.

Ham Radio Deluxe is now developed and sold by HRD Sofware, LLC.

In this article the modifier key "Insert" for desktop keyboards is used, for example, "Insert + Forward Slash." HRD Software The NVDA modifier key used with commands depends on the keyboard. NVDA works with three types of keyboards-desktop, laptop, and touch screen. A donation is requested on the download page. The free, open source NVDA screen reader is developed at the non-profit corporation NV Access. This one is for users of the free NVDA reader, and a separate article describes how to use HRD with JAWS. There are two HamRadioAndVision articles about using HRD with a screen reader. The Ham Radio Deluxe rig control program can provide access via a screen reader. This article is for blind and vision-impaired hams who want more access to the controls and settings of a transceiver.